Sunday, July 5, 2009

IT Home Learning Lesson 6

Below is a dialogue between my father and me about Q1

What are the main types of lotteries in Singapore?

Big Sweep
Soccer Betting

Have you ever bought any of these lotteries?

Yes, I have but only Big Sweep. The reason of buying the tickets is actually not to buy in an attempt to earn money so as to “help” the blind man man who sells these tickets near my house.

Do you think gambling is very addictive activity and why is it so?

I agree on the fact that gambling is addicting. Personally, why I think it is addicting is that when someone wins, it gets excited by the thrill of winning and when they lose they will just say “just one more try”

What doing you think of people buying to make a living?

I think that they are just trying to find a way out of having to work hard to earn money to live. They think that luck alone can bring them fortunate but sometimes it is actually hard work.

Singapore has done a lot to promote people not to get addicted to gambling, personally, how effective is it?

Personally I do not think that it is effective as I do not see much of the effects of the ads or hear much about the campaigns in the papers.

How do you solve or cure this problem?

Actually, technology and sciences may be the key to the solution and with advanced technology and information, we are able to make drugs that can suppress these addiction. As said in the podcast, “ There is hope for those who have a problem with gambling and I couldn’t have said this ten years ago so I think a real progress has been made and I think this study represents an important step along that way.”.

“ Counseling can also help, but more importantly, one must first admit he is addicted to gambling before he can be not addicted.” (What my father said)


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